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Webinars Now Available!

To gain access to webinars produced by Dr. Richard Kim, please sign up at the Webinar Sign Up page.

Next webinar:

Stem Cell Seminar
Wednesday, February 26th
5:00 pm EST








At Richard Kim Medicine we believe that all people deserve high quality care. If you are hurt, you have a right to know. When you think you need an MRI, one should be available to you.

Introducing MyMRI

The first complete, self-service MRI

If you hurt your knee running and you need answers,
call and schedule one.

If your back hurts after falling and you need answers,
call and schedule one.

If your elbow hurts from gardening and you need answers,
call and schedule one.

At a cost of $350/scan you avoid delays, denials, and authorization problems.
Scheduling is immediate and no waiting period. Ever.

It’s that simple.